The introduction

Dear readers!
        On the modern stage of alteration of Ukraine, the primary role belongs to the question of forming of national consciousness and historical memory of the Ukrainian people. Today, as never before, it is important to provide the real cult of spirituality, objectivity of own history, knowledge, raising the public prestige and authority of intellect and culture.

        In time when the global problems of humanity are stressed and a new coming millennium brings us questions to solve not seen before; when Ukraine experiences grandiose transformation - at this time is needed an innovative paradigm and training of citizens' consciousness. Especially it concerns modern youth, when personal and realized necessity of knowledge is formed, when appears and develops personality and patriotism. There is the Decree of President of Ukraine of 27.04.2009 ¹ 272/2009 "About the holding of the All-Ukrainian action "To remember. To revive. To preserve" which is to considerable extent instrumental in it. In part 2, article 2 of it there is mentioned about the necessity of drawing students to research, searching activity of exposure and studying of unknown pages of history and culture of their native land. Understanding of culture and its practical application into every day life and in every act is the fundamental approach to creation of humane personality. It is the only thing, reproduced in millions of the Earth inhabitants, which is capable to solve the present and future problems of humanity.

        Executing principles of the noted decree, in the Kyiv university of law NAS of Ukraine there was founded a project "Get acquainted with the land" the purpose of which was the following: developing of national conscious personality of students by the trip thsough Ukraine settlements for studying history and culture of the native land, forming knowledge about history of one's small motherland, its traditions, customs, assistance in the increase of general cultural level of students' development.

        The program is instrumental in forming in young people interest and respect to the culture of the Ukrainian people, beauty of nature, aesthetically beautiful taste, industriousness, necessity not only to see and to feel beauty, but also to crate it with their own hands. Such natural areas are foreseen during the trip through Ukraine: the Ukrainian Carpathians, the Crimean Mountains, Autonomous Republic Crimea, Ukrainian woodlands, forest-steppe, steppe.

        However, to foster a highly cultured specialist at the "progress of progresses" it is not enough simply to "lard" one with the newest knowledge. It is vitally important to develop an internal necessity to direct one's knowledge, results of material production and spiritually to improve the personality of oneself, of other people, of the whole society. This is the double nature of cultural person and spiritual basis for one's perfection.

        Our Motherland has got rich cultural and historical inheritance, wonderful nature, great number of unique villages, in which everything breathes with history and spirit of hospitable Ukrainian people, in which unique palaces, cartles, churches and cathedrals were preserved. Some of them were transformed into museums and in others only ruins have left,- and it is our lost unknown history, it is hundreds of thousands of cultural and historical monuments which have been long ago destroyed.

        Every village has its own unique colouring and architecture. Some villages were muses for artists, poets and composers; their air is saturated with the atmosphere of creativity and feedom. Life is saturated with history and traditions. And inalienable part of ths life is majestic temples, churches and cathedrals that have been overpeering above common life of our legendary villages for more than a century. Today these historical monuments are the most known prominent places to visit in Ukraine.

        Our villages carefully preserve the spirit of mighty Ukraine and its vast array of cultural traditions. When being in these villages, the impression occurs that time has somehow stopped. It allows us to forget about the existence of modern civilization. And glancing over the prominent sights, we do not feel like returning into nowadays, with its faceless buildings and mad rhythm of life.

        Under the influence of historical events Ukraine was formed as a multinational and polycultural region. Different nationalities, religions, political views have never interfered with people to live in a consent and mutual understanding. Ukrainian people carefully preserve the cultural sources, engage to them in order to understand their depth and det unforgettable impressions. Local poets and artists incarnate different national cultures. All of them created in different languages, everybody had the unique point of view and style. The majority of them were born, got education and were formed as creative personalities exactly here, in the villages of Ukraine.

        The edition is aimed to encourage the develoment of Ukrainian young people's national consciousness by studing history and culture of native land, the forming of knowledge about the small motherland's history, its traditions, customs. Based on historical traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people, it will help the revival of patriotism, national comsciousness, moral and professional qualities, sense of personal responsibility for the fate of our state through possibilities to get to known the land better.
Respectfully yours
Yu. L. Boshytskyi
Head of the Kiev University of Law
National academy of science of Ukraine
The Honoured lawyes of Ukraine,

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